Energy Asia brings you the latest news, analysis and insights for the energy sector. From oil and gas and geopolitics, to renewables and environmental issues, we cover energy-related news in Asia and beyond.
The Global Net-Zero Action (GNZA 2021) is conceptualized to trigger discussions for the need of systemic shifts that will change the trajectory of GHG levels in the atmosphere. The program will provide essential skills and knowledge for organisations to effectively manage the risks and opportunities associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The GNZA2021 will further elaborate the practical understanding of climate change issues and associated economics in adopting low GHG emission practices, as the private and public organizations need to develop a multi-disciplinary carbon management skills, knowledge and leadership to address this complex climate change challenges at the international, regional, national and local levels through both economic incentives and regulatory controls. Decarbonisation innovations and technologies deployed to manage the releases of greenhouse gases will also be presented.
Energy Asia brings you the latest news, analysis and insights for the energy sector. From oil and gas and geopolitics, to renewables and environmental issues, we cover energy-related news in Asia and beyond.
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